Getting to know yourself is your most important quest !Self-awareness
“Know yourself, and you will know the universe and the gods.”
You must have read this saying at least once in your life!
This magical saying comes from Ancient Greece, and you have certainly repeated it, like a mantra, holding certain strength of truth.
But what does it really mean, “to know yourself”?
Learning to know yourself arises from the ability to respond to major existential questions that you also know, such as:
Where do I come from? Which resonates in the past, with a firm faith for lifting the veil of the unknown regarding our origins. What could be the answer to this question? It is: “I come from the spiritual world (the original world of the spirit that I am) in equality.”
Who am I? Which shines in the present, with a vast freedom to discover who I am, my true nature. What could be the answer to this question? It is: “I am a human spirit, incarnated in a physical body, that has come to accomplish this mission (which is different for each being). “
Where am I going? Or, What have I to accomplish on this Earth? Which questions the future with great hope, to ponder the destiny that calls me. What could be the answer to this question? It is: “I will express my full creative potential (different for each individual) to contribute to the fraternal evolution of humanity.”
How does “knowing yourself” through the development of the existential answers above allow us to “know the universe and the gods”?
Simply because everything that exists responds to one of the 7 cosmic laws of Hermes, which you know also: “As above – so below, as below – so above.”
The microcosmic beings that we are as humans, are the image of, and likeness to, the macrocosmic beings living in the universe.
And who are the gods? They are spiritual beings of different levels of awareness that exist in the universe and its many “worlds”. The best-known spiritual entity is definitely the Angel.
So when we human beings come to know ourselves, at least a little, this allows us to access the world of the spirit, or the universe (regardless of the word used), and to meet an Angel or an Archangel, that is to say, the “gods.” This will allow us one day, after many years of experience and research to discover the universal laws of Creation, underlying all that exists on Earth and in other spheres of consciousness.
So we will know the universe and the gods … and the secret and sacred cause of all that exists here and elsewhere.
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