Who is Céline Lassalle ?
Céline Lassalle
Céline Lassalle was a high performance athlete in gymnastics during her youth in France. In her early twenties, her quest for excellence and transcendence in the sporting field, along with a natural taste for adventure and challenges of all kinds, led her to the Spiritual path and the virtuous development of the human spirit through heroism. All of this resulted in a generous and fraternal creativity.
Céline Lassalle is a French international lecturer, a group animator and an author who co-wrote half a dozen books with Pierre Lassalle.
Céline is a lover and “torch bearer” of Poetry. She wrote hundreds of beautiful inspired poems. Her deepest wish is to work towards building a new world, where love is victorious.
Céline has co-written with Pierre Lassalle : « Artémis & Apollon » (2013), « Parler le Langage des Anges », « L’Aventure Héroïque », « L’Héroïsme de l’Amour », « Vers une Nouvelle Éthique », and she was a contributor to the following books : « 365 Pensées d’éveil », « Numérologie Sophianique » and « Le Nouveau Tarot de l’Individualisation ». She also was the interviewer for « Rencontre avec… Pierre Lassalle ».