In our consumeristic society, the “barriers” between different ages and generations are falling like flies! Indeed, for mercantile reasons easy to guess, the “temple merchants” are as interested in children as adults: children must become teens, or even mini adults very quickly to consume (products destined for children are made to tempt naive parents!), And teenagers are already considered adults … as adults, they are seen, first and foremost, as consumers!
What is a “consumer”?
It is a “bizarre” being, a sort of android without any element of thought, obeying the consumerist society to a tee, buying to consume and consuming to buy again. The main thing is that it buys and consumes … as long as it’s “trendy”!
By observing the average person functioning in our society, there is reason to wonder: “are they really an adult”?
And what is adulthood? Is it a question of age?
In fact, from a spiritual point of view, an individual can truly be considered a spiritual incarnated being from the age of 21 onward, for it is at this age that the human mind or the “I” truly descends in the incarnation to bind him to his physical body.
Until this age, we cannot consider that we are dealing with a “complete” or truly incarnate individual: they is still a “child” from a spiritual point of view.
In general, girls have a spirit that incarnates slightly earlier than boys: towards 18 or 19 years old for them, rather than 21 or 22 years for boys.
From the age of 21 on average, an individual can no longer be considered a “child”, even by his parents.
We can infer that between the ages of 18-19 to 25-26 we are faced with a “young adult” (an age group of its own, recognized for some years now in the publishing world, notably with books and cinema).
What is a “young adult”?
It is a young person who is learning to become an adult.
And why until the age of 25 or 26? Because it is at this age that the human being is completely “finished” (perhaps even two to three years later): his brain reaches maturity at about 26 years of age and adulthood for our times takes place around 27 years old. The astrologers also noticed the important transition that takes place between 26-27 years and 29-30 years. It is the natural passage from young adult to adulthood.
For more information on this age group, we refer the reader to our book Maîtrisez votre Destinée (see also Lucie Delalain’s articles for young people on this site).
In summary :
- Before the age of 21, the incarnated being can be considered a “child”, which means that he is not yet fully embodied, and therefore dependent on his parents and educators.
- Then, from the age of 21 (on average), we are faced with an individual who can no longer be considered a “child” but rather as a “young adult”, ie. a being who wishes to pass from childhood (in the broad sense explained above) to adulthood.
To do this, he must detach himself from his parents (which does not mean reject them), that is, individualize himself, or learn to determine his own vision of life. It is probable, indeed, that his vision of life is very influenced by that of his parents. He must discover his own vision, outside any external influence (cf. our work Le Nouveau Tarot de l’Individualisation).
And what has the young adult still to conquer to become an adult, besides letting go of outside influences (not only those of his parents, but also those of his educators, and even further to get rid of the manipulations of the consumerist society!)?
In short: What is adulthood?
Adulthood consists of the ability of an individual to make his own choices, without any external influence, and to assume them no matter their consequence, that is, to feel responsible for them.
This is what we call: developing one’s free will.
Nowadays, people are so encouraged to seek care in all areas of their life, they let themselves be tempted, and thus give up their free will (or their power of decision and choice). When someone abandons their power of decision and choice to someone else, they can no longer bear the consequences or feel responsible: they project this ability on the person to whom they gave that power. This person becomes their saver.
In our society, most people are constantly giving up their decision-making power to the media, their bosses, their government, and so on.
They no longer use their free will! This is extremely serious: without free will it is impossible to be creative and to reveal our spirit! We become weak, cowardly, liars, hypocrites and incapable of manifesting our goals. We are only dreaming, but we are no longer acting … except on the “command” of our Saver, so that he will continue to assume our responsibilities for us.
To abandon one’s free will even to the most adorable person, is to lose one’s humanity a little each day!
Who benefits from this crime? Those who direct us and want us to be as weak and as manipulable as possible!
That is why, regardless of our age, we will never become adults if we refuse to cultivate our free will.
On the other hand, any individual who develops his free will can become adult in his mid-twenties and achieve his goals … for every one of us has something specific to reveal on Earth.
No one can interpret your role for you: if you refuse to grow and become responsible, then what are you doing on Earth?
Ah, you’re a consumer !?
But, the role of the consumer has never been foreseen by God!
It’s just the role of the “wet chicken” who has dropped his spirit along the way, someone pretending to be there playing the “absent subscriber”!
Humanity is in a critical phase of its existence and needs every human being to play its full role, using his free will, in order to cross a threshold.
And it’s now!
Pierre Lassalle